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ADL (Activities of Daily Living) Support Services is a family owned, operated, and an approved Provider by the Department of Public Welfare in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, qualified through the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) for the Consolidated and Person/Family Direct Services (P/FDS) Waiver Program.



The purpose of our company is to provide improved personalized support for adults with special needs in their daily activities.  To ensure that these unique individuals are presented wth every opportunity to obtain their hopes, dreams and to give them the opportunities to have positive life experiences.  We provide teachings to improve your home and community skills so that you may increase your independence. We strive to build and improve on the quality of life of our clients through the development of social skills, a positive work ethic, increased ability to navigate the community and offer learning experiences (and of course some fun!) that help our clients function independently and enjoy life!  


As a provider of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), we put our clients and their families first!  As a member of the ADL Support Services family, because that's what you will be when you receive our services, you will build a wealth of community knowledge that will benefit you for a life time.  ADL Support Services is here to support your needs, because together, we can achieve more!    


Our Every Day Life Principles

We strive to provide the highest quality of support by creating a solid foundation for an improved quality of life through buidling:

  • Relationships

  • Providing opportunities for success

  • Open communication

  • Offering client based choice

  • Promoting individualality 

  • Personally developed individual programing

Our Improvement Model to YOU!




Plan: Plan how improvement will be accomplished.

Do: Implement & monitor the improvement plan.  

Check: The effect of improvement steps by collecting and analyzing data; summarize lessons learned.

Act: To hold gains or to continue the improvement process.  Incorporate the plan and/or solution into practice.  Inform and educate all involved.

Welcome to ADL Support Services.


 The premiere service provider of Chester County, Pa. for the uniquely abled.   

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